Innovation, Creativity, Leadership, Renewal, Change, Motivation.....These are the lifeblood of organizations that are maximizing their opportunities for success and growth.  Discovering new ways to achieve your full potential requires thinking differently about the future.....and then acting on it.

Recent Projects

Hunter Pharmacy Services

Enovate is assisting Hunter in the design and deployment of RePAS (Remote Prescription Approval System). RePAS is a cost-effective, real-time solution to provide supervision of technicians and timely review of physician orders for significantly less expense than an on-site Pharmacist.

Apparent Technologies, Inc.

Apparent has recently announced a revolutionary new product for orbital welding of high quality stainless steel.  Enovate services assisted with the creation of a business plan, identifying and obtaining seed funding from angel investors, development of marketing/sales strategies and negotiations with significant strategic partners.

St. David's Foundation

More than two years ago, St. David’s provided a substantial leadership grant for the creation of a community wide strategy to implement electronic practice management and medical records systems in the safety net clinics in Central Texas. Enovate is assisting the Foundation with a complete evaluation of the grant results and assisting with future funding priorities in this area.

Enovate Enterprises can be the catalyst for your organization to start the journey to achieve its full potential. Drawing on over 35 years of successful business and entrepreneurial leadership, Enovate will partner with your leadership team to identify the areas of greatest leverage, develop a plan of action and insure action is taken to deliver results.

To learn more about our approach, click here.

To learn more about our services, click here.